Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Howard Daniel to Morgans, 13 October 1952 -- "the atmosphere in UN is ghastly at the moment"

Dear Murray and Rosa:

Just a few words to say how much we enjoyed seeing Otto and Phyllis [Goldschmid]: for other things aside, they brought with them the redolence of Trout Lake and hits more human denizens. 

What’s happening out there? Is there much excitement over the elections? Have been Nixiated? We saw him on television and I haven’t been able to keep anything down since. What a menace. I find Stevenson charming cultured humane and intelligent. Will that do the trick? If a Nixon TV job is done just before the elections I fear for the American people. Also, in the Stevenson campaign there don’t seem to be many professionals--by that I mean types like the great McGinty and the other semihoods who get the vote out. Even if Stevenson is elected I wouldn’t be too optimistic about any great change away from butchering civil liberties. There will still be McCarrans, McCarthys, Jenners, Wileys, Woods, Dulles, [Merlyn] Pitzele (excuse the expression) and their spawn.

Sen. Pat McCarran
The atmosphere in UN is ghastly at the moment. A federal fraud jury has been crucifying 36 staff members (all Americans) of course and has now turned the bodies to the McCarran Committee. A few of my friends, two of my staff, and my former boss are pointed toward the lions. The poor bastards have no protection from the UN--indeed many of our top brass would willingly appease McCarran with these dubious morsels in the hope that after a little bloodletting things will quieten down. Little do they know the laws governing carnivores. I expect my character to be assassinated once more. McCarran started on the UN in 1949 and I was on his list, primarily because I had been in UNRRA [United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration]. If he lets loose once more, I shall probably issue a statement, more for publication in Australia than here. What I can say must be dignified or else the people here in UN who don’t like me will use it to fire me. I’d like to challenge McCarran to a duel* --stupidly romantic but there’s little enough one can do anyway.
Are you still blasting them on the radio? Your suitcase is now upstairs in the kitchen & as Judy has tripped over it several times it gets nearer to Tacoma. 
Much love,


*Chamber pots at 6 paces.

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